04 September 2010

Sugar Rush

Had to drive to Portland yesterday.  Didn't realize until I had started that it was a long weekend.  Oh, no I thought, that means the drive home will be bumper to bumper as I'll be leaving PDX the same time every one else does.

Turned out it wasn't all that bad.  Was surprised that the traffic going into PDX was pretty close to the speed limit.  I've done that drive when the traffic is moving at 80 mph plus from about Eugene on, so, hovering between 65 and 70 was rather novel.  Figured people were worried about extra police presence for the weekend.

I had to take Toni, my Blue Front Amazon to the avian vet.  I have tried and tried to find a vet in central Oregon that I can trust with my kids when they are really sick, but when an emergency hits, I know with out a doubt that Dr. Litner can handle it.  She saved Liza Cockatoo's life when the local vet said to put her down and she saved Toni's life a couple years ago when her liver started to fail.  So, only one place to go when Toni needed help.

Toni had been to the local vet about two weeks ago and I had not been pleased with the experience.  It was just for a nail trimming, nothing wrong.  The vet had taken Toni in the back room, closed the door, did what he did and then returned her.  I've been to a lot of avian vets and that's the first time one has insisted on doing their work in private.  Toni came back traumatized and that was it for me, back to Dr. Litner in PDX, 8 hour of driving or not.

Anyway, Toni's  pancreas is failing and she has an infection.  It's not good, but she's a fighter.  She is the sweetest bird.  Dr. Litner laughed and said that "sweet" was not an adjective she often heard to with respect to any Amazon.  Well, the challenge right now is getting the medication in her twice a day.  We used Cheerios and yogurt this morning.

We managed to get out of Dr. Litner's by noon, stopped by Safeway to get some ice for the medicine and a sandwich for me.  Good sandwich!  The traffic was heavy, but moving pretty well.  Around Eugene I started getting pretty tired.  As I headed up 58, it really hit me, I could hardly keep my eyes open.

I was so glad to get to Oakridge.  Got gas and stocked up on sugar.  A large Starbucks and a couple of candy bars.  Thank goodness for sugar, I'd never have made it home.  The sugar lasted me until I got home a bit after 4pm, then I crashed.  I think it was a combination crash, a bit, you didn't get enough sleep last night, a bit, worry and a bit sugar crash.

Have to take Toni back in a month.

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