11 September 2010

Gang's Day Out

Last week the gang and I went up to Johnny Lake to play around.  It's a smallish lake and we walked all the way around it.  I forgot to take my camera but as it turned out, there wasn't much in the way of beaches for the dogs to go for a swim.  They, Sarah and Jack, did play in the water while Bay Li tried to keep his feet dry while greeting some other people with their dogs.

Today we went to their favorite watering hole, the upper Deschutes.  As you can see, Sarah and Jack took to the water again, but Bay Li was well up on the bank watching.  Jack really had fun, doing some real swimming, had me worried at one point as he went quite a ways out.  Sarah decided to be a bit more cautious.  You would have thought the Labrador would be chasing the stick, but, no, it was the obsessive compulsive JRT.

It was a bit warmer than I expected and we were all a bit tired.  Not a lot of bird activity, kinda in between right now, but I did see a hawk playing on the thermals and two other birds so high that I wasn't sure what they were, but they were playing up there on the thermals, coming together and separating and diving and gliding.  Probably a couple youngsters practicing for next spring when it will mean some thing.  LOL.

Life marches on!

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