Just finished watering the plants in the yard and filling the water troughs for the horses. The last couple days a Raven has been coming in to sit on the fence above the water trough. Don't know if it wants a drink or what. I grabbed my camera to see if I could get a photo.
No go, it took off the second it heard me. He wasn't alone, about 6 more Ravens were out at the far end of the horse paddock. I tried to sneak up to get a photo, but no way, every time I'd get close, they'd move. Ah, well.
A group of Ravens is either a conspiracy of Raven or an unkindness of raven. I like conspiracy. I think they are a beautiful bird. I know, they eat carrion, but some one has to do it. They're considered good luck in some cultures. In Great Britain the legend is that the country will not fall to a foreign invader as long as there are Raven's in the Tower of London. But what do the Brits know? They think a black cat walking in front of you is good luck. All us Yanks know it's bad luck to have a black cat cross in front of you. LOL.
Well, my camera in hand wasn't wasted, got a photo of the old man, Taro, my 18 y/o Arabian gelding. Isn't he handsome?
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