23 June 2010

Bird Watching

Well, I have to get my young gelding out and working.  I used to enjoy starting youngsters, now, it's work.

I spent the day trimming his hooves, saddling him up and doing ground work with him.  It was a long day.

Afterward I sat down in front of the bird bath to try to get some photo's of the birds coming in for a drink and bath at the end of the day.

I have the greatest bird program on my Ipod touch.  I Bird Explorer PRO.  OMG, it is the best program ever, I LOVE the thing.

You can play recordings of the bird you are looking at.  I heard several Dark Eyed or Oregon Junco's in the area, so, I played the recordings in the hopes of getting some to come to the bird bath.  Well, the little fellow above was quite intrigued.  He kept coming in and nearly landed on my shoulder trying to figure out where the other Junco might be.  He wasn't interested in the bird bath, so had to get him in the tree.  He and my Ipod exchanged calls for about 5 minutes when I stopped.  Kinda felt sorry for him.  He knew I wasn't a Junco, but, by golly I sure sounded like one.

The only bird to land on the bird bath while I was out there was this Robin.  Of course, as soon as I went in the house and turned off the camera, a whole flock of Mountain Chickadees came in for a drink and bath. I did rush back out to try to get a picture.  Got this one but the Chickadees is sooo small, he's lost on that big bird bath.  Too bad I didn't get the whole flock.

Ah, well, I'll try again tomorrow.

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