25 May 2012

May Snow Storm

Well, it's been an interesting May 25th.  It snowed all morning.  No biggie, it is central Oregon at 4300 foot elevation, so, not all that unusual.  Still, it's been mostly a cool spring and I'm ready for some heat.

May 25, 2012 Snow storm
Because of the snow, the birds were slow to come out to feed.  Don't blame them.  they started to come out around noon.

There's been quite a procession of birds since then.  Started with Chipping Sparrows, then Mt. Chickadees, Mourning Dove, Calif. Quail, Robins, Junco's and so forth.

Then around 4pm, the bird I've been waiting for all spring stopped for a quick look.  The male Western Tanager in full regalia.  Oh, he was sooo bright. Didn't get a photo of him today, but I will soon.

Yellow-pine Chipmunk
Then two of the reasons I really should not be putting food out during the spring and summer showed why.   I had put a few sunflower seeds out for the Junco's and Chickadees.  I've removed the suet and only put out a little at a time to keep the squirrels and chipmunks at bey.  Yeah, like that works!

The first to stop by was a female Yellow-pine Chipmunk.  She filled those cheek sacks to overflowing.  When I sent the dog out to chase her off, she went under the car.  Oh, great, I just got the damage from last year fixed.

Yellow-pin Chipmunk
Yes, they are cute, but they dig burrows every where and do a LOT of damage.  Never had problems when the cats were around, but with them gone, there is an explosion, and that's even if I don't feed the birds.  The horses drop grain, hay seed . . . they think they have found heaven.  With the dogs, I can't put poison out and while Jack the Jack Russell Terrier is persistent, he's not really all that good at hunting them.  Sigh.

So, next to show up was a Western Grey Squirrel.  I don't mind them all that much, except that they will eat you out of house and home given half a chance.  I've managed to set up most of my bird feeders so they can't get to the seed.  But the one where the winter suet goes is easy pickin's for them.  That's where I'll put a handful of seed now and again.

Western Grey Squirrel
They do have a pretty awesome tail.  I think this one is a female.  They had stopped coming in to this feeder because I had removed the suet.  But two days ago, I started putting a few peanuts out for the Jays and sunflower seeds for the little guys.  Two days.  Yeah, doesn't take long for word to get out.

Western Grey Squirrel
In two photos she is standing up and you can see her neck.  It looks like she has an injury.  In the one photo, it's clearly red.  A few minutes after taking this photo, another Grey came in and appeared to chase her off.  I say appeared because they could have been playing.  I've seen them come in and play before, but this time wasn't clear which.  Any way, one of them came back a half hour later.

Well, darn, I'm going to have to stop feeding in close at any rate.  I do so enjoy the birds.
Western Grey Squirrel

After posting this, after the sun set, I went out to find clear skies and a waxing crescent moon.  Wasn't sure if my camera would take a decent photo, but decided to try.  It's okay, worth ending the post with any way.

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