01 October 2011

Fall Migration

Nights have been dipping down below freezing, fall winds are blowing, leaves and needles are falling to the ground and old friends drop by for a quick visit to the feeders before continuing their trip south towards warmer winter temperatures and a few winter residents are returning to settle in for the winter.  Yes, autumn is here.

A pair of Townsends Solitaires spent about a week on their way to the high desert junipers to the east.  Apparently they are one of the few birds that can survive the winter eating juniper berries.  The summer flock of Pine Siskin moved on and a week later another flock moved in for a few days. The Nuthatch have returned and I've seen a few woodpeckers scoping out possible winter digs.

Yesterday morning I watched the usual parade of subdivision walkers walk by the house.  Several times a week they do their 3 mile walk through the roads of the subdivision.  Last night, just before dusk, I drove 12 miles, walked down to a slew and watch Pelicans, Herons, Egrets and a Bald Eagle.  On my way home I couldn't help but think "yeah, and what did you see on your walk this morning?  A Toyota, a couple Ford pick ups and a UPS truck!"  Ah, well, to each their own.

I go up to the slew off and on during migration because there are occasions when the slew is packed with birds.  Two weeks ago there was a large flock of Pelicans.  Last night there were only 3 stragglers left and they left before dark.  There was a family of Osprey a couple week ago and while I heard them, I didn't see them last night.  The Bald Eagle was a new addition, I suspect that he has moved in to spend the winter.  I'll have to take one of the horses to our upper Deschutes ride as the Bald Eagles will be moving in there for the winter as well.  Got a great photo last year.

Need to get the sweat shirts out, just a bit chilly in the morning.

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