12 September 2011

America, Land of The ...???

Ideas garnering the greatest applause from the audience at most recent R. "debates" -

Rick Perry executions - "Kill them, kill them all - innocent? - no such thing! - kill them, kill them all!!"  Yeah,  America the great, land of the free (as long as you're one of us, white, male, christian)

The uninsured - "Let them die, it's their fault!  Lazy bastards should have know that all the jobs would go over seas and they'd be unemployed with no chance of getting a job that has insurance or pays enough to afford insurance.  It's their fault, let the bastards die!!"  Yeah, America the great, land of the free (as long as you're one of us - white, male, christian AND wealthy)

Ah, the "me" generation garnered the "me, me, me and only me" generation.

WOW, proud to American - NOT!!!

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