12 January 2011

Friends That Transcend Place and Time

The cold/flu that hit me last week seems to have pretty much moved on.  Just a bit of sniffles left.  We had a few beautiful winter days, cold but sunny.  Now, it's warmed up, the sun is hiding and it's just a bit dreary outside.  The snow no longer has that fresh, crisp quality, having melted into a mass of white with no real definition, just there.  Instead of that black blob from Star Trek, it's a menacing white blob.

Took a picture of the windmill.  It was completely covered in snow last week.  Now the snow has settled and melted and the wind vane has re-emerged to show that there is a bit of wind out there today.  The top is about 4 feet, so still a bit of snow out there.

I had a visit from an old friend, Ellie, over the weekend.  She lives over in the valley, retired professor at the University.  It was so wonderful to spend time with some one that was not only like minded but such a kind and caring soul.  She brought and left behind a peacefulness that I haven't felt in sooooo long.

It was an interesting weekend!

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