03 December 2010

Hmmm, Hairy or Downy?

Boy, I've had a hard time making my identification on this bird.  I finally got a hold of some photos rather than just the illustration and now, I'm sure, I was correct, it is a Hairy Woodpecker.

From the illustration and description, I was starting to think this was a Downy Woodpecker, but when looking at an actual photo, the beak makes it very clear that this is a Hairy Woodpecker.  I refuse to change my mind on this again, it IS a Hairy Woodpecker.  What an odd name.

I always pulled any feeders before winter because I didn't want to encourage birds to stay that should be migrating, but, I live in a sub-division and I have noticed several all year feeders around.  So, what the heck, if they're going to stay, I might as well have them stop by here.

As for those darn Norther Flickers, they are the most skittish little buggers.  The slightest noise and they are gone.  They've been coming in all day today as I work at the computer.  It's as though they know when I'm trying to get a photo.  Switched things up a bit out by the tree in hopes of making it a bit easier for them to feed.  They are so much larger than the other birds that they have trouble with the suet feeder.  They are so beautiful, I really want to get some photo's.

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