12 November 2010

Amazon.com and Pedophiles

I am a long time customer of Amazon.com.  They used to be a very customer oriented company.  Maybe they've grown too big.  Last night CNN did a story concerning some how to books for pedophiles that Amazon promotes and sells.  They had received several customer complaints concerning these books but maintained that it was a matter of "freedom of speech" and so they would continue to carry them.

It was not until CNN got involved that any of the books were removed and then only the specific books that CNN had inquired about, the rest of the pedophilia books remained for sale.

I was repeatedly raped and molested as a 9 and 10 year old child.  This is not about "freedom of speech" as Amazon claims, it is about destroyed lives.  Pedophilia is illegal in all 50 states, yet Amazon considers it a matter of "freedom of speech"??

For me, I am affected enough that I will never buy another item from Amazon, but mostly, my reaction is because they had to be repeatedly shamed by CNN before they decided that "well, maybe, well okay, if you're going to make such a fuss about it, we'll remove a few of the books."  It does not matter to me if they go ahead and remove every single book.  I will never buy another item from Amazon.

Pedophilia destroys people, it destroys lives, it changes who you are, it changes who you become. The victim NEVER, NEVER forgets.  Now, 50 years after the event, this story causes me such great pain, causes me to relive the horrors that man did to me, causes me to hate humanity, causes me to hate myself because I'm not strong enough, 50 years later to get past it.

Freedom of speech?  No, for Amazon, it was freedom to make a buck.  Kinda makes you wonder what else you can find for sale at Amazon.

I don't ask others to boycott them, that is some thing each of you has to search your own soul about.  

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