18 October 2010

Taking Advantage

It's not as though I didn't have lots of things to do around the house this weekend, but when an old friend called and wanted to ride, well, heck, why not?  These nice snowless days will be gone soon enough, so, what the heck, let's take advantage of it!

Saturday we took Tassie and Jo to LaPine State Park.  Even though half of the park is open to hunting, we decided to do the Fall River loop, passing through the open hunting section, combined with the Deschutes River loop which is closed to hunting.  A total of about 10 miles.  At the end of the ride we took the horses into the Deschutes.  This time of year they hold back the water to fill up Wickiup Reservoir, so the river is pretty low.

There were a lot of people in the park, even ran into three horseback riders from Bend.

Not sure why the hunters would want to hunt in an area with that many people passing through, but we did run into 2 hunters.  I'd bet they didn't get their elk!

Sunday afternoon we took Son and Hawk over to a section of the upper Deschutes that is closed to motorized traffic.  I was a little worried since it is Elk season and there is a herd that makes the area home.  There were fisherpeople all along the river and the road stays close to the river and no way the elk are at the river that time of day, so we took a chance.  None the less, we did run into 3 groups of hunters.  I'm sorry, the hunters both days have got to be the laziest hunters on earth.  "Lets park here and walk a mile down the road and if we see anything we can shoot it."  Well, my neighbor down the road maybe a bit lazier, they feed the deer all year long, then when hunting season comes, they walk out the back door and bag their limit.  That's lazy!  Really, I don't have a problem with people hunting, but come on, lets make a sport of it.

Anyway, Hawk is green and a LOT of work to ride.  I'm just getting too old for the silliness of a youngster.  He's a truly beautiful horse, but I just don't enjoy the work any more.  Started a lot of horses over the year and mostly really enjoyed it.  The last one I started and enjoyed was Jo, the palomino in the picture above.  60 years on, I'm just not quick enough any more.  Sigh.  Hawk is the one on the right in the picture below.

So, if you have some good weather, better take advantage of it.

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