Angel has the attention span of a nat. Although, if I put her in a big trot, she can do it all day long. If I want a walk, with out a jig and faster than a nat, it's a fight. We've been working on it. We have made some progress. I've finally stopped listening to all the trainers who say, hold until she stops jigging then release, she'll figure it out. Yeah, right. Finally figured out that I had to change her frame.
She is an Arab, which means high head. Nice flexion, but high head. High head, I get a short stride then jig. Rather than get in her mouth and hold until she walks and then release, which has never worked, I decided to concentrate on her head and getting it down, down, down. Discovered that she can't jig for long with the head down. I mean down. So, head down. That gets me a walk. But, lengthening the stride is fun. Kick shortens stride, spanking lengthens stride. Spank her, she bucks. No biggie. So, head down, spank, ignore buck and let her settle and finally, I was getting a walk with a decent stride.
Managed an 11 mile ride today, walking at a blistering 3.9 mph. That's fast for her. It will get better, we are making strides (chuckle, get it, strides)
There were moments that were actually fairly pleasant. Saw a Red Tail Hawk . . . pretty.
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