29 May 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Well, it continues to be a cool spring.  Hail, snow, rain, wind and a bit of sunshine for the Memorial Day Weekend.

A new bird today, though I had seen it down the road, a Tricolored Blackbird.  That's two different species that aren't suppose to be in this area.  The Black Backed Woodpecker and now the TC Blackbird.  I'm sure I have id'ed them correctly.

The major residents this year are the Chipping Sparrow along with the Pine Siskin's.  Big flocks of both of those.  Didn't have the Sparrow last year, had huge flocks of the Siskin though.  The Doves, Quail, Jays, Robins, Mt. Chickadees and Juncos are all well represented at the feeder.  Others come and go, a few at a time.

I have been going out doing some Geo-Caching the last few weeks.  Decided to break my "consecutive number of days" total.  Well, I only had a 4 day streak, so shouldn't be too hard to double that!  Made 8 days in a row today.

I did verify that staying off of the lava flows around here is a really good idea with arthritic knees and ankles!  Well, I had to try.  Don't mind hiking the buttes, but I'll just have to give up on rocks.  It's amazing, every year I can do just a bit less than the year before.

Can sure tell the valley people are over here "vacationing".  Motor cycles tearing up the backroads and some one is target shooting a few houses away.  The wind and cold is keeping them out of the water, so they need to tear something up. Sigh.

I remember back in the 70's we had a year with out a summer.  It feels like we maybe headed to another one of those.  In fact, it snowed on July 4th that year.

Geez, I sure could use a bit of sunshine!

22 May 2011

Is it Spring Yet?

This has not been the most pleasant of springs this year.  The sun will come out for one day, then snow or rain for 2 or 3 days.  After 5 months of the white stuff, I'm starting to find it just a bit depressing.  Gotta get over it!  Usually by this time of year I have several hundred miles of hiking/walking under my belt.  This year, I just can't make my self go.

It has been a good year to watch the birds migrate though.  Apparently word is out that I no longer have a cat and that I've put food out for them.  Last Saturday I counted 24 different species of birds passing through, including this beautiful pair of Goldfinches.  The fellow in the middle is a Pine Siskin.

I have never thought of Robins as a particularly handsome bird, but, there is one male coming in that is absolutely handsome.  His colors are just awesome.  He's a little chubby and I some times wonder how he can fly, but he is just beautiful.

A pair of Black Headed Grosbeaks spent a week here.  I thought they might stay, but I haven't seen them in several days.  The flock of White-crowned and Golden-crowned Sparrows moved on when the Pine Siskin's arrived.  In fact, they prompted quite a change in the birds coming in.  The nuthatches are still here, but not nearly in the numbers that they were.  Chipping Sparrows have stayed in spite of the Siskins as have the Mountain Chickadee and Oregon Junco.  There is one pair of Golden Rumped Warblers that has stayed.

All of the woodpeckers that had spent the winter moved on, though I did see the Flickers come in last week for a quick snack.  Most unusual was a Black Backed Woodpecker that I got a good look at.  I'd never seen one before and when I looked at the one guidebook, it said no, this wasn't part of their territory.  There was no mistaking that gold spot on it's head and the solid black back though.  So, I got my OLD TRUSTY Peterson Field Guide out.  Sure enough, they do summer in this area, though I haven't seen it again.

I was starting to wonder if the Quail would be coming.  They have shown up, but they are a bit more elusive than last year.  I have a flock of Mourning Doves that considers this their feeding ground and I notice that the Quail are careful to not infringe on their feeding time.  Since the Doves spend a lot of time here, I only see glimpses of the Quail.

I have a pair of Stellars Jay's that have raised their young near by for  several years.  They are still here, in fact they're out there right now eating.  Oh, then there are the Brown Headed Cowbirds.  Last year they had a Junco raise their youngster.  I felt so bad for that little Junco with that big Cowbird constantly begging.  It will be interesting to see who they got to raise their kid this year.  I saw quite a commotion up high in my large Pondi a week ago.  The Cowbirds were determined to get in to an area and several other birds, including the Grosbeak, were trying to keep them out.  At the time, it looked as though the Grosbeak were going to nest.  It was a few days later that they left.

So, in spite of the snow and rain, the birds have been a bright spot this spring.

07 May 2011

Sun, Sun, Where'd the Sun Go?

I had no more thought "wonder where the Quail are?" and darn if they didn't show up.  One thing is for sure, they have been well fed where ever they've been.  I look out there and see these really plump, healthy, gorgeous birds and all I can think is how good they'd taste.

All of the birds showing up are well fed.  There is one male Robin that is so fat that I don't know how he flies.  I've never thought of Robins as a particularly pretty bird, but this dude is down right handsome, if a little plump.  His colors are so vivid.  There's a leaner, younger male coming in as well.  His color isn't quite as vivid as the other, but close.

The Pine Siskin's have shown up.  They are a pretty little bird, but they come in such large numbers and their call is so shrill, that I really wouldn't have hurt feelings if they left.  There is a yard about a mile down the road that they appear to like.  As you drive by their place all you can hear is this cacophony of shrill bird calls, no mistaking that call.

Haven't seen any signs of ground squirrels, but I do have tree squirrels.  Jack loves to go after them.  Poor boy is nearly blind, but if he catches sight of their movement, boy does he zero in.  If I'm in the house and see the squirrels getting too comfortable and considering coming across the driveway, I'll say "squirrel, squirrel, who wants to get a squirrel?", open the door and the chase is on.  No chance they catch them, but it keeps them away from the house.

Well, except for that little red squirrel that was on top of the house yesterday.  It came in from the horse paddock.  Not good.  Hmmm, I'm watching one right now doing a tight rope walk out to the feeders.  I have pipes on the rope, so that if they get to close and step on the pipe, it will swivel and toss them to the ground.  Ah, he stopped before stepping on it. Probably has tried it before.

Darned rodents are why I have hesitated to put feeders out.  I don't understand why people actually put squirrel feeders out.  Do that not know that rodents not only do huge amounts of damage but that they carry all sorts of nasty diseases?  I mean, they are cute and fun to watch, but, wow, they love to chew on things.  I see they have dug up the electrical wire from the solar panel to the gate again.  They did so much damage last year that I finally had to give up.  I cut it short and reburied it, but it's sticking straight up in the air about 6 inches this morning.

Not sure where the sun went.  Sure getting tired of it hiding!

01 May 2011

Bird and Squirrel Watching

The last couple of weeks have been chilly.  Snow storms and wind.  The sun finally came out yesterday, but it wasn't warm.  None the less, Sarah Labrador likes to go out to soak up what sun there is.  Well, she does have a nice double coat to keep that wind at bey.  The Terriers go out for a while, but come in long before Sarah.

Birds galore.  Not having cats in the neighborhood does make a difference!  I have birds that aren't suppose to be here.  Several Golden Crowned Sparrow's seem to have decided to stay.  According to the field guides, they don't breed this far south.  They do run with White Crowned Sparrow's which do breed in this area and there are several of those as well.  Another Sparrow I shouldn't have is the Savanah Sparrow.  There is one, maybe two running with the other sparrow's.  They are suppose to like the grasslands, not conifer forests.  At any rate, they look as though they plan on staying for a while.

The California Quail haven't come back yet this year.  I had a good sized flock last year.  I do have a lot of Mourning Doves.  Maybe they don't co-habitate as they are both ground feeders.  Lot's of Juncos, Nuthatches, Robins and Stellar's Jays.  The Jays usually move on but there are couple sticking around.  The woodpeckers aren't coming in as often as they did in the winter, but stop by now and then.

Last year there was one poor little Junco that raised a Cowbird.  I saw the first Cowbird this morning.  Well, some one will be raising a kid that's not theirs.

Lots of tree squirrels this year as well.  The Western Gray Squirrel are big and bold.  I've been sending the dogs out to keep them on the other side of the driveway, away from the house.  Typical Gray, they get complacent, thinking there is no way the dumb dog can get them.  One lost some tail fur yesterday, thinking that Sarah couldn't catch him.

Labradors aren't as dumb as they appear.  When I was a kid, we had a male Lab.  He'd chase the squirrels and they got so confident that they would walk right by him as he slept.  Didn't work out too well for one squirrel.  I was watching at the time and that dog just waited, then as fast as lightening he was up and had that squirrel in his jaws.  The other squirrels didn't test him any further.  The one yesterday though, I'll bet it'll be back.

Have some Red Squirrels coming in as well.  They are a little bit more shy than the Gray.  Haven't seen any ground squirrels yet.  I put poison out for the ones in my septic field and they ate it, so hopefully they won't come back.  They do sooooo much damage.  That was the one thing I loved about having the cats, no ground squirrels.  But, no birds either.

If the ground squirrels come back, I may have to get a cat.  I'd hate to lose the birds, but I can't afford the damage the squirrels do.  Well, we'll see, I'll enjoy the birds for now.